

Translate Altered States into
Amplified Impact

A 9-month mastermind
for Psychedelic Entrepreneurs and
visionary thought leaders
ready to birth their legacy

September 27th, 2024

Transmission is for you if:

You walk the medicine path with an unshakable knowing that you are meant to create a unique body of work that significantly contributes to the betterment of humanity.

And you are ready to:

  • Deepen your medicine practice to help you birth your legacy in service to the Earth.
  • Grow your personal brand and break through the noise to amplify a message you care about.
  • Discover how altered states of consciousness can enhance creative cognition and strengthen your thought-leadership.
  • Step into your Niche of One and create an offering so unique it stands alone.

My name is Laura Dawn

And transmission is the pinnacle of my life's work

Master of Science in Creativity….

Everything that I have created has birthed from visionary states. 

But before things took off, I was so close to giving up...

For more years than I’d like to admit, I stagnated online, and despite consistently showing up, my content started getting less and less reach.

I got bored always talking about the same topics, and I was starting to experience creative burnout. 

I went through the drama of having my account revoked by Instagram for over 3 months. But even when I got it back (after countless hours of dispute), it was such a struggle to grow that I almost deleted the app and wiped my account on my own accord.

But here's the thing...
I had previously built two very successful online brands, Including my first brand to over 1.5 Million followers on Facebook (with an email list of over 50k)...

AND, I'm so freaking passionate about my message, I know in my bones I'm meant to share it with millions of people, for the benefit of this precious planet we live on...

so I wasn't ready to throw in the towel and quit, and I knew if I did, I would never forgive myself.

Most people don’t know that I built my very first online brand to over 1.5 Million followers on Facebook, because I rarely, if ever, talk about it. It was a passion project focused on spreading positivity that I ended up selling for 6 figures, allowing me to build a retreat center on the Big Island of Hawaii.

About 8 months ago, in the middle of a ceremony, I had a profound insight, where I remembered a single foundational principle that led to the success of my first online brand, allowing me to shift my perspective and look at my current brand through a totally different lens.

I realized that what got me here wasn’t going to get me to where I wanted to go.

Something profound shifted within me that night, and I immediately started experimenting with a refined and pivoted strategy that felt easier, more aligned, and intuitive.

That experiment has led to a handful of reels going viral with one reel receiving upwards of 12M views.

I’ve grown over 120k and still rapidly growing, and I’ve (almost) doubled my email list in a very short amount of time.

Since I transitioned from “Niching Down” to “Niche of One”, everything has clicked in a different way.

Because I’ve already taught business and branding courses, and have been business coaching for over two decades, I immediately started systematizing my process, and revamping my previous program called Your Message in Your Message (taught to women in the psychedelic space) applying these new principles to Niche of One.

I started paying attention to a specific signal amongst the noise, witnessing a few other very successful “influencers” starting to hint at similar trends they are noticing and the intentional shifts they are making as a result.

If you don’t know what to look for, it’s hard to see and fully comprehend the changes unfolding in this new economy (more about that below).

But once you see it, it’s impossible to unsee.

I want to teach you what I've learned from 20 years of online content creation and brand building, so you can stop struggling, break through the noise and share the message you were born to share.

The truth is, there's never been a better time to build a following, inspire a meaningful movement and create a personal brand and offering so unique, it stands alone.



Join A 3-Month Mastermind Starting March 15th

And learn how to thrive in thE new economy...
Public service announcement...


Artificial intelligence, the meaning crisis, the loneliness epidemic, climate degradation, and other significant factors are the disruptive forces behind the most significant economic paradigm shift we will likely witness in our lifetime.

All of these factors are waking people up to question what truly gives their lives meaning and a genuine sense of belonging. These shifts are catalyzing the rise of a new kind of economy...

Welcome to the

Meaning Economy

That rewards Personal Brands for Creativity, No-Bullshit Authenticity, values-Aligned Choices, And modeling a new way of life.

More than ever, people are hungry for real connection, and they are seeking out inspiring role models who:

  • Prioritize a balanced and restorative approach to holistic well-being, modeling intentional living and alternative lifestyles.
  • Genuinely want to cultivate authentic relationships with their audience, versus simply transactional exchanges.
  • Are willing to be real and transparent about their growth process.
  • Are on the journey of figuring out what it means to "do life" and business on their terms without sacrificing what really matters just to "earn a living."

All I can say is: Hallelujah. It's about freaking time.


Core Topics Covered Over the 3 Months

A Strategic Approach to Owning Your Niche of One

Your Niche of One is a reflection of who you are, the wisdom you carry, the mantras you live by, and the life you lead.

But stepping into your Niche of One isn’t some random, willy-nilly, do-whatever-you-want approach to personal branding. 

I will teach you a focused strategy, and a step-by-step framework that helps you connect the dots between your passions, skills, values, struggles, and experiences in a way that amplifies a core message, inspiring meaningful change.

The old marketing paradigm says that if you want to be an authority, expert, or thought leader, you need to find a profitable niche and niche down into it.

This is terrible advice for today's economy. Why?

People are craving real connection, and when you try to fit into a pre-defined niche, you sterilize the sticky, magnetic, passionate part of you that people genuinely want to connect with, and learn from.

The most successful personal brands thriving in the new economy have one central theme in common:
they are embracing...


This is a 180 degree shift from "Niching Down."

Learn how to build a brand that grows as you grow, and evolves as you evolve, built on the foundation of what you value.
(Like your health, wellbeing and sanity...)

Apply the Principles of Lifestyle Design to Build a Personal Brand

Your personal brand is not only an extension and reflection of your lifestyle, but also the vision of who you are, and who you are becoming. 

Take a moment to assess your current reality: 

  • Are you authentically living out your dreams?
  • Do you reside in a place that resonates with your soul?
  • Are you prioritizing your well-being?
  • Do you have the time, flexibility, and spaciousness you desire?
  • Is your income level and the quality of your relationships aligned with your aspirations?
  • Are you contributing at the level you know you are capable of?

Build An Audience While Expanding What You Believe Is Possible.
It's a Win- Win.

Stepping on the path of leveling up your impact is all about meeting your growth edge. It's a journey of spiritual self-development, and it will inevitably unveil areas ripe for improvement in your life.

Sharing your journey of transmuting limiting beliefs into empowering ones as you deepen on your path of meaningful contribution is how you build a personal brand in alignment with your Divine Assignment, inspiring others to do the same.

Define & Refine Your Core Message

Think of your core message as the wisdom that guides you toward living a more fulfilling, balanced, connected, and meaningful life.

Learning how to distill your core message into a mantra that becomes the central magnetic focal point – the heartbeat of your brand – is a journey of self-discovery that requires persistence and patience. 

As you grow and evolve, so will your core message. You will learn a methodology you can rely on time and time again to help you clarify and refine your core message as an extension of your lived experience and the wisdom you embody.

Magnetize an audience that loves you for who you are, not for what you sell. These are the people who stick with you for the long run, supporting the evolution of your offerings.

For almost a decade...

I've been launching sold-out
six-figure online programs
and in-person retreats.

And for the first time ever, I'm teaching the mindset, methodology and creative thinking skills behind my success.

(because regardless of follower count, you still need to deliver a unique, transformative and exceptionaLLy High-Value experience for those who choose to work with you.)

If you want to stay relevant, having an impact and support others through these times of rapid (and disorienting) change in the age of Artificial Intelligence, it's imperative to learn the skillsets and mindsets to establish yourself as a Thought Leader...

or what I call: a HARMONIZER.


(noun.) /ˈhär-mə-nī-zər/
  • A Harmonizer is person who can skillfully connect diverse pieces of information, ideas, or perspectives into a coherent, unified whole in a way that pushes the boundaries of conventional thought, facilitating deeper understanding while introducing new ways of thinking or doing.
  • A Harmonizer is someone who transforms complexity into clarity, making innovative ideas accessible and actionable to a broader audience, thereby aiding in decision-making, meaning-making, learning, and personal growth.

Learn the Core Skillsets, Mindsets & Heartsets to Thrive in a New Era

The currencies of the new economy are creativity, heart-centered communication, and meaningful contribution. Period.

When you learn the skillsets and the mindsets of a HARMONIZER, you'll not only become your
Niche of One, you'll also have all the ingredients to fully step into alignment with your Divine Assignment and birth a Legacy of Love.

Creativity Is Now Recognized as the most important skillset of our time.

“Our species and our planet face a new set of challenges that only creativity can solve.” ~ Chase Jarvis 

Creative Thinking Skills

With a Masters of Science in Creativity and Change Leadership, I will teach you dozens of indispensable creative thinking skills you’ll come to rely on daily to become a more effective thought leader and harmonizer.

These skills are what differentiate creators from regurgitators…supporting you on the journey of becoming your niche of one.

  • Learn how to synthesize and harmonize different ideas, enhance pattern recognition so you can connect ideas across disciplines in original ways that add value and new perspectives.
  • I'll teach you to leverage Venn diagrams, mind maps, and other tools to support cognitive scaffolding in the creative process.
  • Learn how to cultivate a futures-thinking mindset, zoom out and notice trends, and sense the gaps by paying more attention to what you can't see.
  • I'll teach you specific techniques to pay attention to the signal amongst the noise, minimizing distraction and honing in on what's relevant.
  • Learn to leverage framework-thinking to codify processes so you can package your knowledge and wisdom in a way that tangibly benefits your audience.
  • Learn to integrate AI tools like Chat GPT into your creative process so you can build intellectual capital and avoid going into intellectual debt.
  • Learning these skill sets will open channels of new inspiration toward generating unlimited content creation ideas for emails, free opt-ins, and social media that amplify what makes you...you.

Share Stories that Resonate, Captivate, Magnetize, and Engage Your Audience

Storytelling is not just a method of communication—it’s an essential instrument for shaping the future, making it the most powerful tool at our disposal.

We are wired for story; it’s the thread that weaves through the fabric of our being, connecting us to others and the world around us. Through stories, we find meaning, understanding, and a sense of belonging. They are the language of our experience, the heartbeat of human connection.

Because stories naturally captivate attention, in the hands of a skilled storyteller, the written word and spoken voice can unlock a transformative force for inspiring change and broadening perspectives.

Stories are the bridge that transforms complex concepts and ideas into compelling narratives that craft a meaningful vision that others can see, feel, and follow.


Emotional Intelligence: Face & Embrace Your Shadow

There’s a misconception that simply following your passions will lead to your purpose. Cultivating the courage to open toward your pain and learning how to transmute it into wisdom is the other (perhaps more powerful) half of the story.

By opening to your pain alongside your passions, you’ll unearth a much richer, deeper purpose that’s more integrated into who you actually are. And the more you close the gap between who you really are, and how you show up online, the more successful and magnetic you’ll become.

Included in this program is a

28-Day Social Media Challenge

Learn Strategies that Resonate

The same strategies that led to over 120k new followers on Instagram in 6 months...and it's easier than you might think.

Apply What You're Learning & Meet Your Growth Edge in Real Time.

If you struggle to show up and show your face on social media, this 28-day sprint is going to help you overcome the resistance that most people feel, relax in your own skin, and unlock your pathway to authentic growth. 

If you’re comitted to the social media game, but you’re not enjoying the process, that hustle and grind you struggle with is the essence of what’s blocking your growth. 

After you understand the larger framework of sharing content as a Niche of One, this will fundamentally shift your relationship with social media and content creation.

We'll also cover the nitty gritty practicalities of content batching, content calendars, the gear I use to keep the content creation process simple, and other foundations to build a system that allows you to streamline your content creation process without burning out. 

We'll address common fears of being seen,  how to overcome cancel culture anxiety, and how to prepare yourself (and your nervous system) for the portal of initiation that awaits you when you start to grow.

Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Email List

After 20 years of online content creation and brand building, the only thing that hasn't changed is this:

Email is still KING: Your ROI is in your list.

If you are posting on social media everyday, and it's not directly growing your email list, I'm so sorry to inform you, but this is the biggest mistake you could possibly make.

I was launching 6-figure programs before I blew up on social media because I know the value of having an email list.

Join Niche of One and learn how to grow your list as the foundation of a successful brand and business.


  • Clarify your core message by uncovering the golden thread woven through your life.
  • Break through the noise on social media and grow your audience online by being true to who you are.
  • Start or grow your email list.
  • Learn the skillsets and mindsets to establish yourself as a thought-leader.
  • Align more deeply with your unique pathway to purpose.
  • Build a business on the foundation of what you care about.
  • Create sustainable success by generating "Resonant Revenue."
  • Learn the creative thinking skills that will keep you future-proof in today's economy.
  • Birth a legacy of love.
  • Weave intention, ritual and ceremony back into your life and business.

Benefits You'll Receive by Joining
"Niche of One"

(Shall I keep Going?)

Embrace the Diversity of Your Identity

Acknowledge and embrace the diversity within yourself. Understand how your varied interests and skills are not just disparate elements but parts of a coherent whole.

Learn to Vision Beyond Boundaries

A successful path is always paved by beginning with the end in mind. Embrace the power of cultivating clarity and learn how to create a resonant vision for your life and business that truly expands what you believe is possible.

Clarify & Reconnect with your WHY

Your WHY is the heartbeat of your mission. It's what gives you strength and resilience when the going gets tough. This is an essential part of the process, not to be skipped over.

Align Your Business with Your Inner Truth

It's time to ditch old-school marketing and business paradigms and develop a business model that resonates deeply with your core values and authentic self.

Create a Business That Feels Like A Natural Extension Of Who You Are

Don't build your life around your business, forcing you to make sacrifices that often lead to burnout. Becoming your niche allows you to generate resonant revenue as an extension of who you are, what you're learning, how you're growing, what inspires you, and what you care about.

Intentionally Design a Business That Adapts & Evolves With You

Create a flexible and resilient business model that evolves as you grow and as your passions and interests evolve. In your niche of one, there's always breathing room for you to grow.

Find a Creative Work Rhythm that Nourishes & Sustains You

Learn to pace your work in harmony with your personal energy cycles, preventing burnout and fostering creativity and productivity.

Create Sustainable Work-Life Integrated Balance

Establish a business structure that complements, rather than competes with, your personal life.

Transcend Competition (& Don't Just Talk About It, Embody It)

competition doesn't exist when you fully step into your niche of one. We all have our unique Divine Assignments. This fosters a spirit of mutual collaboration, allowing you to connect with a community where collective success is amplified.

Develop a Unique Personal Brand Identity that Resonates With Who You Are

Establish a strong, unique brand that clearly represents your values and stands out like the unique snowflake you truly are. 😜

Transform Wounds into Strengths

Transmute personal challenges and vulnerabilities into strengths that enhance your unique value and appeal.

Cultivate Real, Genuine Connections with Your Audience

Engage your audience on a deeper level by sharing what you're actually going through, real insights you're having, where you're turning to for strength, resilience, wisdom, and the depth of what you actually feel.

Learn from the Best

Deep Dive Into Real Case Studies

Learn to pay attention to the codes of online success. Case studies help provide a framework for learning, offering a wealth of perspectives, encouraging you to unpack innovative thinking and uncover creative solutions for your own journey. They serve not just as educational tools but as sources of inspiration and motivation. By applying these real-life lessons to your unique context, you’ll develop a rich knowledge base and the confidence to navigate your path as a soulpreneur, making your Niche of One truly impactful.

3 Reasons Why this is the Time to Join
"Niche of One"

Meet Your Instructor

Laura Dawn, M.Sc

Host of the Psychedelic Leadership Podcast, Laura Dawn is a keynote speaker, mentor, teacher, and retreat facilitator. For over 20 years, Laura Dawn has dedicated her life to translating altered states into amplified impact by creating curriculum to support the healing and awakening of humanity that she teaches through her signature online programs and in-person retreats.

Laura Dawn has built and grown several prominent online brands, including her first online brand to over 1.5 Million followers on Facebook with a heart-aligned mission to spread positivity around the world. After selling that brand for six figures, she went on to build a volcanic hotspring retreat center on the Big Island of Hawaii and another 6-figure online wellness brand.

Laura Dawn holds a Master of Science specializing in creativity and change Leadership and is at the forefront of exploring the intersection between sacred plant medicines and creative cognition, supporting visionary thought-leaders who want to amplify a message and birth their legacy work in service to the earth.


Guest Teachers

James McCrea @WordsAreVibrations

Author, Meme Poet & Teacher

Creative Alchemy: Awaken the Inner Artist

Being an artist doesn’t only mean working with traditional mediums like painting or poetry. Being an artist is about actualizing your innate creative nature to bring your imagination to life, in whatever form that takes.

Creative Alchemy is designed to unlock creative flow by integrating Yin (being) and Yang (doing) through the cultivation of intuition and authentic expression.

In a world of increasing uncertainty and institutional atrophy, we need creativity more than ever.

James McCrae is an author, meme poet, and teacher who empowers creators to live with purpose and turn imagination into reality. He is the founder of Sunflower Club, a global community dedicated to creativity as a tool for personal healing and social transformation. As a creative strategist, he has worked with top brands and startups to define and actualize their message and mission. His books include Sh#t Your Ego Says and How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis and The Art of You. James lives in Austin, Texas.

Tara Divina

Creative Business Coach for Medicine Carriers & Mystical Healers

Creative Writing that Inspires

Learn to write in a way that moves people into action. You can simultaneously be inspiring & artful while inviting your readers to join a movement, read your book, buy your program, or sign up for your opt-in. Tara will share specific skills that you can use right now to make your posts, captions and emails more compelling without losing your creative spark or compromising your artistry.

Tara Divina draws on her experience as a Vice President at the Warner Music Group, professional medicine musician, clothing designer, and successful entrepreneur, to offer business & creative coaching for medicine carriers, mystical healers, and artists. 

She empowers them to prioritize their creative projects, build an organic fan base using authentic self expression, and generate a sustainable income using all of their gifts.

She is also tapped into karmic patterns, purpose and destiny through the lens of Vedic Astrology, and combines her gift of seeing the unseen with practical know how to help creatives get clear on their purpose and core message.

Let's Get Logistical

First Class Starts Friday March 15th
When Do We Meet?
> We meet on Friday mornings from 8am-10am PST starting on Friday March 15th 2024, ending June 14th. 
> We meet over Zoom, and each session is a full 2 hours with a short break.
Are All Sessions Taught Live?
You will receive 9 two-hour sessions taught live by Laura Dawn, and 2 sessions led by guest teachers. Three of the 14 weeks are integration weeks so you can apply what you are learning. During those three weeks, there will be office hours posted for real time coaching and live Q&A.

Included In This Program

Real Time Coaching Sessions

Live Q&A Sessions

Access to Mighty Networks Community

2 Guest Teacher Lectures

Extended Learning With Your Sub-Cohort

Homework PDF Printouts & Access to Replays

All sessions are recorded and you will have access to re-watch anything you missed on the Mighty Networks platform. 

I recommend allocating 2-4 hours outside of class time as a baseline.

Everything you learn is immediately implementable in your professional life. The more time you can allocate to implement the suggestions and show up to the do the work, the better.

Some people won’t be able to make any of the calls due to a conflict in schedule. That’s ok, all calls will be recorded and you are encouraged to watch the replay before our next session to ensure staying in sync with the rest of the cohort. 


Are you ready to


Regular Price

3-month program
$ 1,550 / month $1,550 per month for 3 months
  • 11 Live Real-Time Classes
  • Homework PDF printouts.
  • Real time coaching sessions
  • Live Q&A sessions
  • Access to Mighty Networks Community
  • A sub-cohort you journey with


3-month program
$ 1,250 / month $1,250 per month for 3 months
  • 11 Live Real-Time Classes
  • Homework PDF printouts.
  • Real time coaching sessions
  • Live Q&A sessions
  • Access to Mighty Networks Community
  • A sub-cohort you journey with
Ends February 25th


WHAT People ARE SAYING ABOUT Laura Dawn's Programs
Lives changed


Micaela Arroyo
PRitam tara
Mary olivar
Ashley Antony, LMFT, Trauma Informed Psychedelic therapist www.ashanthony.com
Mareesa Stertz
Your Story is everything
This is the era of...











Have more Questions:

Email support@lauradawn.co

“Niche of One” is the evolution of my previous program “Your Message Is Your Medicine.”
Some of the content from Your Message Is Your Medicine will be taught here with quite a significant chunk of new and revised material to reflect the ongoing changes in the economic and social media landscape. 

Nope! All genders are welcome to apply for Niche of One, and you will be able to connect with a diverse range of exceptional human beings in this program. 

We meet every Friday morning at 8am to 10am  until June 7th, with a few weeks off. (Scroll up to read the full schedule above.) 

This program is by application only. There is limited space so I’d like to ensure you are the right fit. 

Click here to apply

Zoom, Mighty networks & Whatsapp. 

Once you join this Mastermind, you will be sent a link to Join a Private Mighty Networks Group. You can access Mighty Networks from your computer or through the dedicated Mighty Networks app. 

Mighty Networks has a “main feed” where you can ask questions, connect with others in the group, share your experience as well as access replays and course materials.  

In addition to Mighty Networks, you will be added to a Whatsapp Group thread.  

On the Mighty Networks platform. You will have access to all replays for 3 months after the program ends, after which, ongoing access is a $39 per month. 

Everything you learn is immediately implementable in your professional life. The more time you can allocate to implement the suggestions and show up to the do the work, the better. I recommend allocating 2-4 hours outside of class time as a baseline reference. 

Some people won’t be able to make any of the calls due to a conflict in schedule. That’s ok, all calls will be recorded and you are encouraged to watch the replay before our next session to ensure staying in sync with the rest of the cohort. 


You will have access to all of the replays for 3 months after the program comes to an end. All the PDF’s are downloadable and yours to keep. 

My Promise To You...

During these 3 months, I’m going all-in to give you everything I’ve got because I, too, am in service to this earth and the awakening of humanity.

I wholeheartedly believe that the world needs your medicine and message so we can collectively inspire, uplift, and shift old paradigms that keep us divided, separated, and out of alignment with the natural rhythms of this Earth.

Mother Earth urgently needs us all right now.

Walk away with



& Courage

To launch an unprecedented
offering that contributes to the healing of humanity